Monday, January 16, 2006

Raindrops keep fallin on my head

Um, that would be because I forgot my umbrella this morning. The sun was too good to last. :( It started raining today, it is grey and cloudy. Perfect timing for school to start back. Haha! At least we are busier at the cafe now. :D

Well, this seems to be a recurring theme for me lately, but wow I am selfish. Or at least I feel that way sometimes. Things happen at work, at home, with my friends. Thoughts come. Then I think, "hmm...that was selfish of me." Is it that I am truly selfish (yes) or that I feel condemned when I don't do what others want me to do (yes) or maybe I don't have very good boundaries (yes again). Nice, good thing that is cleared up now. haha!!!! Sometimes, well actually all the time, I don't like being pressured into things. When I feel like someone is asking me to do something, but I really do not have the option to say, "No." Espeically when what I want to say is, "Not only 'no' but 'hell no!'" Am I just wrong? *sigh* Then the bad thing is that usually what happens is that I say, "Yes" then simply stuff all my anger, frustration and resentment deep down inside. That is NOT good. AT ALL. lol Because then it is expressed in unhealthy ways. Man, I need therapy!!!! lol


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Its been a while... too long! How r u? How was your time in USA? Who is the prof in class this semester? If its one of our old profs, pass along a greeting from me!!! I wish I could be in class (never thought I'd say those words!). I don't have your email address... do you have mine? write when you can...

10:54 AM  

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